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    The Flag and General Officers’ Network

The Flag and General Officers’ Network (TFGON) is a 501(c)(19) War Veterans Organization formed more than 25 years ago and is comprised of more than 2,000 active duty and retired Admirals and Generals. TFGON is apolitical and is not related to “Flag Officers 4 America”.


Integrity ~ Selfless Service ~ Strategic Leadership

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TFGON began in 1995 as an informal social networking group formed by Navy Retired Rear Admirals Charles "Chuck" McGrail, a naval aviator, and James "Jim" Carey, a naval surface warfare officer.  The initial purpose was to simply maintain and retain the friendships and war veteran’s comradery that all of us experienced during our military careers and to expand those friendships and networks into the other services for those of us that did not have the opportunity to meet fellow flag and general officers of the other services during our days in uniform.  This small and hearty band of warriors experienced steady growth and a wonderful comradery until Chuck McGrail’s untimely death, whereupon the organization "took a rest" for several years.  Quarterly networking receptions were resumed in 2005 at the request of the membership, and steady and increasing growth has continued since.  With this increased size and growth, a more formal organizational structure was formed in 2008 and TFGON was officially incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia as a not-for-profit war veterans’ organization.


TFGON is an approved IRS 501.c.19 War Veterans Organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and as such is eligible for tax-deductible donations and is authorized to engage in active participation with the U. S. Congress and the federal government on all matters related to the U. S. Armed Forces, national defense, homeland security, and veterans affairs.  TFGON is managed, administered, and operated by an elected Board of Directors and elected officers. The board consists of 21 TFGON members.  Included in that number are an elected President, Secretary, and Treasurer who act as corporate officers.